Tympanoplasty with or without Ossicular chain reconstruction:
Tympanoplasty is the surgical procedure to repair/reconstruct a perforated tympanic membrane (eardrum) with or without reconstruction of middle ear ossicles. Sometimes because of repeated ear infections, the ear ossicles (3 bones inside middle ear i.e. Malleus, Incus and Stapes) get damaged and cause more hearing loss. The goal of the surgery is not only to close the ear drum defect but also to improve the hearing by reconstructing or replacing the damaged ear bones (termed as Ossicular chain reconstruction). Various techniques have been developed and refined, and a number of grafting materials are available. This surgery can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on surgeons preference and comfort of doing surgery.
Things to do during recovery:
Take the prescribed medication
Keep operated ear dry for 2-3 weeks
Avoid forceful blowing of nose
Avoid swimming and flying in an airplane for 3 weeks
Mothers taking care of a child should be careful while bathing them. Use a cotton ball coated with ointment (bacitracin, Vaseline®, or triple antibiotic ointment) and place it in the ear canal. Change to a fresh dry one after the bath.
Following are the indications for immediate medical care post-surgery:
Persistent vomiting for over 24 hours post-surgery